
Bo Elfving

Bo Elfving is co-founder, President and Publisher of Olin Frederick Publishing, Inc., a venture that developed as a means to make an impact by engaging in major social and political topics facing America and the world today. Reducing Global Road Traffic Tragedies: The Lost History of Success in the Rich World Now Urgently Needed in Developing Nations is Bo’s first book.

In his pre-publishing career, Bo held CFO, COO and Controller positions, mostly in entrepreneurial settings, in software, technology, telecommunications, solar energy, advertising and bike share. He is a graduate of the Stern School of Business at New York University with a BS degree in Economics and Marketing, Cum Laude. Bo grew up in Stockholm, Sweden but early on decided to move to New York City where he currently resides with his wife and two children.

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Gerry Balcar

Gerald P. (Gerry) Balcar is co-founder and CEO of Olin Frederick Publishing, Inc. He grew up in Stamford, Connecticut, graduated from Cornell University and trained on Madison Avenue in marketing and market research with a specialty firm early involved in using computers. He later became Chief Marketing Officer of Potters Industries, Inc., the world leader in producing glass beads for reflectorizing highway markings and for metallurgical and other industrial applications. While at Potters, at the invitation of the staff of the Committee on Public Works of the US House of Representatives, he helped launch a new highway safety thrust to reverse ten years of increases in road traffic fatalities in America.

Gerry is a widower and domestic partner of Amarae (Amie) Brockway-Henson. She is a widow and the producing artistic director of The Open Eye Theater in Margaretville, NY where they live. He has three adult children. He has published articles and testimonies to congress and has worked as a volunteer on political campaigns for congress and the presidency.